Welcome to
The Abundance Project
Total donations to the community as of 1/2023: $17,000 in jars
We're ambitious
At Key to the Mountain, we believe everyone deserves good food without sacrifice. From this simple value we've successfully launched The Abundance Project: A revolutionary system of food production that combines community, health and cooperation to create an abundance of food for all.
What is The Abundance Project?
It's simple: starting in Missoula and neighboring towns, we are collecting donated produce from neighborhood trees and plants that normally goes to waste. And then we jar it, creating a community driven source of food abundance.
How does it work?
You donate any produce you want to offer, and then we can it. You'll receive a portion of the jars or other collaborator's jars, for free! We'll also donate a portion of jars to the local food bank. We will sell the rest to cover our costs and provide the rest of the community with more high quality canned goods.
Get involved!
Small acts add up to big solutions. If you are interested in donating produce, contact us to learn more. We'll ask some questions about the fruit and go from there! The produce cannot be gathered off the ground so contact us early.